Your 2024 Profection Year in Astrology Gives Fresh Energy!
Your Profection Year Changes Every Solar Return (Every Birthday).

What is a Profection Year
What was once referred to as an astrology progression, annual profections are the understanding of energy changing yearly based on your literal age -- and you don't need a birth time to necessarily find this information.
Your profection year changes every solar return (on your birthday), and not at the start of the Gregorian New Year. It starts on the birthday you undergo and completes upon your following birth year to shift into your next annual progression (profection).
Every age you celebrate is found within a house inside the traditional astrological wheel of rulership, which is divided into 12 houses in totality. Every house determines key areas of life and presents opportunities, obstacles or leverage dependent on the definition of the house. Which you'll learn more about below.
There are also Time Lords we take into account to add more depth to your birth profection year. But, for sake of simplicity, we're going to focus on your overall profection year and how to identify, understand and work with this energy you'll be experiencing in 2024. Working with an astrology on a solar return chart can help you pin point time lords for your birthday. You can book one with me here.
back to this blog post every year moving forward so you can learn of your new Profection Year every birthday you start, by referencing the chart below.
It Can Help You Leverage Manifestation
An annual profection tells you where you'll find accomplishment in themes or areas of life, and provide a general understanding like a condensed roadmap on where your organic focus will be for this birth year, and how to capitalize off this cosmic kiss from the sky.
As you vision board, do your manifestation rituals and plan out your goals for the new birth year you'll embark on, learning which profection year you'll enter is an intentional way to stop guessing against the energy that your cosmic consciousness wants you to create, build and transform according to the house that will rule your profection year.
Every age you turn, offers a different profection year based on the astrological house it resides in according to the traditional wheel of astrology. Profection translates to progression. Meaning, a profection year supports your personal growth in matters of life you might have neglected, delayed or didn't feel inspired about until the birth year you undergo emphasizing the house it lands in.
This applies for everyone no matter their birth time. If you're turning 21 in 2024 (regardless of your zodiac sign or birth time), you're entering a 10th house year. Meaning, you're going to want to apply yourself to whatever the 10th house rules, in this case, career and profession. This could equate to starting a really good job with potential, or you make a career shift, and depending on your personal transits that hit the 10th house profection year, you could also loose your job or relocate for a job. It all depends, but the overall synopsis is you're honed in on professional matters. You'll later in life revisit this profection year house when you turn 33 and 45 years-old.
In another example, let's say you're turning 35, based on the wheel below, you're entering a 12th house profection year. Therefore, 12th house themes are becoming a priority for this birthday. This is a house of endings, karma, spirituality and completions. You will be focused on those efforts, naturally as it will influence all aspects of your life such as friendships, love, health, etc.
Working with Your 2024 Profection Year
Below is the annual profections chart that is universal no matter where you were born, or your time of birth and regardless of your zodiac sign. It's all reflective of the age you are completing and about to live.
Look below to identify what age (aka: profection year) you underwent in 2023, and which you'll start in 2024 based on your birthday for the new year. Read on for your profection year insight.

Profection Year Based on the Houses (graphic source: WikiHow)
1st House: Ages of 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your appearance, body, personality and self identity. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
2nd House: Ages of 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your income, resources, savings, self-worth, materialistic mentality and spending habits. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
3rd House: Ages of 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your communication skills, mindset, self-expression, and intellect. Relationships with siblings will be highlighted and small travel trips occur. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
4th House: Ages of 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, etc.
At this age, you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your relationships with family or parents, or reparent yourself or become a parent. Your residence, and home matters along with the need for stability and security in all matters of life will be key themes you'll learn to amplify.
5th House: Ages of 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your hobbies, passion projects, inner child, playfulness, romance and what brings you pleasure. It's a creative time. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
6th House: Ages of 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your health, fitness, work matters, routine/discipline, pets and illnesses. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
7th House: Ages of 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your love life, alliances, projects/contracts, ways of collaborating, marriage/relationship and betrayal. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
8th House: Ages of 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your investments, taxes, debts, inheritance, wealth building, death (literal or symbolic), secrets and magic. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
9th House: Ages of 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your spirituality, higher education, perspective, ego detachment, long distance travel, meeting people of other cultures/backgrounds, and mentorship. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
10th House: Ages of 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your career, public persona, professional experience, reputation and determination for success. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
11th House: Ages of 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your social circles, wealth, empathy, humanitarian efforts, social media presence, spiritual wisdom, friendships and good karma. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
12th House: Ages of 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71 etc.
At this age you'll focus on improving, nurturing and empowering your limiting beliefs, ancestral wisdom, karmic soul lessons, spiritual transcendence, illnesses, resting, isolation and introspection, and self-mastery. Experiences will center around you learning about these key themes.
Remember, you cycle back to the first house after a 12th house profection year because the wheel goes through houses 1 through 12.
Xx // Esa