Your 11th house and Your Inner Humanitarian Based on Zodiac Natal Charts
Everyone has an inner humanitarian. You might be curious how you can show up in times of humanitarian crisis or wanting to activate your...

Your 2024 Profection Year in Astrology Gives Fresh Energy!
Your Profection Year Changes Every Solar Return (Every Birthday). What is a Profection Year What was once referred to as an astrology...

Personal Year Number Horoscope for 2024
Your Personal Year Number It changes every year, and so do you. Author: Esoteric Esa (Jasmin Alejandrez-Prasad) Numerology offers a lot...

Your New Moon in Aries Zodiac Horoscope
What Does Aries Season Bring For Everyone? Aries season inevitably marks the arrival of vitality in astrology. With it follows promises...

This is Why You're Spiritually Poor
Have You Once Lived in Spiritual Poverty? Insight into Unraveling Harmful and Unauthentic Monotony Were you once spiritually poor? I was....

How to Decolonize Your Spiritual Journey as a Latina
When we think of spirituality we can naturally place it into a category with religion. However, there's a huge difference between a...

Why I’m Letting Go of the “I Attract” Mindset
The "I Attract" Mindset Why I’m letting go of the “I Attract” mindset and Law of Attraction. Is Law of Attraction Setting You Up for...

Types of Spiritual Relationships: Soulmates vs Twinflames
Love and fantasy. Desire is a human instinct. Love is the highest frequency that exists in this dimension. We all want healthy love in...

Starting the Conversation w Your Higher Self Thru Candles (velas)
Candles are staples in our cultures no matter whether you're Latinx or not. The power of flame is something that has been highly regarded...